Useful links

There are no well-condensed sources of 2D graphics knowledge. Rather, it is dispersed over a wide number of blogs, pages, articles, and brains. This page attempts to collate links to some of this information.



2D Graphics API design

Rust 2D or 3D libs (that aren't kurbo)

2D antialiasing and font rasterization

Trapezoidal pixel coverage algorithm


Gamma Correction

Papers on approaches to efficient rendering of 2D graphics


Repositories of interest

  • makepad (immediate mode 2D graphics)

  • spinel (hyper-optimized, Vulkan 1.1 2D graphics)

  • piet-metal (experimental compute approach to 2D graphics)

  • pathfinder (pcwalton's Pathfinder 3)

  • webrender (Mozilla gfx team's WebRender)

  • glyphy (behdad's signed distance field approach to font rendering)

  • msdfgen (multi-channel signed distance field generator)

xi-org Zulip discussions of interest

Last updated